Saturday, November 14, 2015


半肥瘦梅头肉 500g
鸡蛋 1个
生抽 1汤匙
砂糖 1汤匙
盐 1汤匙
姜 一汤匙
胡椒粉 适量
五香粉 少许 (可不加)
玉米粉 2汤匙
面粉 2汤匙
水 1汤匙
1. 肉加入姜剁碎,我买肉碎自己再剁, 越幼越好
2. 剁好的肉加入调味料在同一个方向一直搅拌至有粘性
3. 在器皿涂上油,放入肉酱,加蓋封口,隔水蒸40分钟。
*我没这种器皿, 就放在长行的蛋糕模, 所以肉比较不紧实。
4. 待凉后切片,可直接吃或煎香。
可以的话加盖或者是用纱布包着肉蒸, 这样会比较紧实哦。 用烤盘蒸的时候记得盖上保鲜膜防止水滴进肉里面。
Homemade Luncheon meat
Pork Collar 500g
1 egg
Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
Sugar 1 tablespoon sugar
Salt 1 tablespoon salt
Ginger 1 tablespoon
Pepper to taste
Five Spice Powder (optional added)
Cornstarch 2 tablespoons
Flour 2 tablespoons
Water 1 tablespoon
How to cook
1. Meat and ginger minced together
2. Add all the seasoning and stirring in one direction until tacky
3. put some oil at containers (after steam will easy take out the meat) add the meat, capped and steam for 40 minutes.
* I dun have containers that have cap, so just use the bakeware to steam it, that why meat is not tight. Remember if use bakeware like me. When steam need to use thing cover it.
4. After cool slice it. And you can also fry it.
Use the glass with cap to steam it will have the good result.
REMIND: Seasoning can less or more depends on ur own flavour.
小贴士: 调味料可根据自己口味增减哦


材料 :
鸡腿6个 ,鸡翅膀6个, 蒜米1 粒 半 , 黄姜100g,盐和胡椒粉适量,清水大概400ml

做法 :
1. 将鸡腿和鸡翅膀洗净,沥干水分,鸡腿用刀划几道后放入碗中,这样可以让鸡腿肉在一会的腌制过程中更入味又比较容易熟。

2. 蒜米剖开,黄姜洗净切小块,然后放入搅拌机搅碎成糊,然后加入清水拌均匀。

3.   鸡腿和鸡翅膀先加入盐和胡椒粉调好味,再把黄姜汁过滤,放入鸡腿碗中拌均勻。腌制大概2 – 3 个小时。
