Monday, September 22, 2014

bread receipt 1

Recipe :
All the following recipes use this same general method:
1. Measure ingredients into baking pan.
2.Use tepid water 21-28"C
3. Insert baking pan securely into unit, close lid.
4. Select appropriate bread setting.
5. Push start button.
6. When bread is done, remove pan from unit using oven mitts.
7. Remove bread from baking pan,(and kneading blade from bread if necessary)
8. Allow cooling before slicing. '
This method is modified by notes, if applicable, at the end of each recipe.

1. Recipes for basic breads

Basic white bread
                            1.5lb                                       2lb

Water                        1+1/8 cup                                1+1/2 cup
Skimmed milk powder    2+1/2 tbsp                                 4 tbsp
Sunflower oil               2+1/2 tbsp                                 4 tbsp
Sugar                        2+1/4 tbsp                                3 tbsp
salt                             1+1/4 up                                2 tsp
Strong white bread flour        3 cups                              4 cups
Fast action yeast            1+1/4 tsp                            +1/4 tsp
Use setting                       1 Basic                              1 Basic

Soft grain blend
                                  1.5lb                                        2lb
Water                        1+l/8 cup                               1+1/2 cup
Skimmed milk powder    2+l/2 tbsp                                    4 tbsp
Sunflower oil                2+l/2 tbsp                                    4 tbsp
Sugar                        2+1/4 tbsp                                   3 tbsp
Salt                                1+1/4 tsp                                  2 tsp
Strong white bread flour        3 cups                                  4 cups
Fast action yeast               +1/4 tsp                             1+1/4 tsp

Use setting 1 Basic l Basic

8,允许切片之前冷却。 “


                            1.5磅                     2磅

水                      1+ 1/8杯                 1 + 1/2杯
脱脂奶粉           2+ 1/2汤匙             4汤匙
葵花籽油            2+ 1/2汤匙             4汤匙
糖                        2+ 1/4汤匙             3汤匙
盐                        1+ 1/4茶匙             2茶匙
强白面粉                3杯                       4杯
快行动酵母            1+ 1/4茶匙         1+1/4茶匙
使用设置                1基本                   1基本

                                  1.5磅                    2磅
水                         1+ 1/8杯                    1 + 1/2杯
脱脂奶粉            2+ 1/2汤匙                   4汤匙
葵花籽油            2+ 1/2汤匙                  4汤匙
糖                        2+ 1/4汤匙                  3汤匙
盐                        1+ 1/4茶匙                  2茶匙
强白面粉                      3杯                       4杯
快行动酵母           1+1/4茶匙                1+ 1/4茶匙

使用设定                  1基本                      l基本

Sunday, September 21, 2014

bread page 2

Start/Stop button
This starts and stops the selected baking program.
In order to start a program, press the "start/stop" button for approx 1 second. A short beep is heard
and the two dots in the time display begin to flash and the program starts.
In order to stop a program, press the "start/stop" button for approx 2 seconds until a beep
confirms that the program has been terminated.
Two dots flashing: Program is started.
Two dots continuously lit: Program is stopped.
Delay Timer
You can delay the time your bread maker starts to have fresh bread ready at a particular time. This
is ideal when you would like fresh bread when you get up in the morning or when you come home
from work Use the "Timer" button to advance the time in 10 minutes increments. If necessary,
use the "Timer" button to decrease the time. When the delay timer is set where you want it, make
sure to press the "Start/Stop" button. The colon";" flashes and your bread will be ready when you
The time that appears on the clock after it switches on automatically is the remaining baking time.
Therefore ensure you set the time for when you would like the bread ready. The maximum delay is
13 hours. "
For Example
It is 8:30pm and you would like your bread to be ready the next morning at 7 clock. ie in 10
hours and 30 minutes. Press the "arrow pointing upwards" until 10:30 appears, as the time
between "now"(8:30pm) and the time the bread should be ready is 10 hours and 30 minutes. If
you work with the delay timer option, do not use any easily perishable ingredients such as eggs,
fresh milk, etc,
Keep Warm
Your bread is kept warm for 60 minutes after baking. If you would like to take the bread out
during this time, switch the program off with the Start/Stop Button.
Warning display
If the display shows "H:HH" after you have pressed Start, the temperature inside is still too high.
Press Stop: open the lid and let the machine cool down for 10 to 20 minutes.
lf the display shows "E:EE"after you have pressed Start, the temperature sensor is disconnected.
The sensor must be checked by an authorized service agent.

13小时。 “

Takada Electric Bread Maker page1

Takada Electric Bread Maker Congratulations on the purchase of your new Takeda Electric Bread Maker. Before first using your Electric Bread Maker, it is important that you read and Follow the instructions, even if you feel you are quite familiar with this type of appliance. Your attention is drawn particularly to the section dealing with IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS. Find a place and keep this manual for future reference. This appliance has been designed to operate from a standard domestic power outlet. It is not intended for industrial or commercial use. Preparing Your Bread Maker for Use l. Carefully unpack your Bread Maker. Remove all packaging materials and discard or retain for future use. 2. Remove the baking pan. Wipe the baking chamber with a soft damp cloth or sponge. Never use abrasive or strong household cleaners since they may damage the finish of the chamber. 3. Wash the baking pan with warm soapy water. Rinse and dry thoroughly. 4. Grease the halting pan and return to the chamber and bake empty for approximately 10 minutes. Clean once more. 5. Return the baking pan to the chamber and place the kneading bar on the axle in the baking area. Your Bread Maker is now ready for use. ' Operating The Bread Maker Before Fist using your bread maker, please read the instruction manual carefully and ensure the voltage of your electricity supply is the same as that indicated on the rating label on the appliance. l. Connect the Bread Maker to a power outlet When the bread maker is connected to power, a beep will he beard and "3:00" will appear on the display after a short time. 2, The machine is now ready to operate and is automatically set to program "1", but the program has not yet started. _ _ Functions of the Bread Maker Program Menu This is used to select the baking program. Each time it is pressed (accompanied by a short beep) the program changes. The current program is shown on the LCD display. The machine has 12 programs. Refer to the program menu. Color of crust This is used to select a light, medium or dark color for the crust. Loaf Size This is used to select a small (l,5lb) or u large (2,0lb) loaf setting for bread recipes.

 高田电器面包机 恭喜您购买了新武田电器面包机的。 首先用你的电面包机之前,您已阅读并遵循非常重要的 说明,即使你觉得你很熟悉这种类型的设备的。 您的关注,尤须处理的重要保障措施一节。 找一个地方,并保持此手册以备将来参考。 本产品已被设计为一个标准的家用电源插座进行操作。它不是 用于工业或商业用途。 准备你的面包机的使用 升。小心地打开您的面包机。除去所有包装材料和丢弃或保留 将来使用。 2,取出烤盘。擦拭烘焙室用柔软的湿布或海绵。从来没有 使用磨蚀性或较强的家用清洁剂,因为它们可能会损坏室内的光洁度。 3,清洗烤盘用温肥皂水。彻底清洗和干燥。 4脂停机锅,并返回到所述腔室和烘空约10 分钟。清洗一次。 5,返回烤盘到室并将混炼栏上,在烘烤的轴 区。你的面包机现在可以使用了。 “ 操作面包机 使用面包机拳之前,请仔细阅读使用说明书,并确保 您的供电电压是一样的设备上的铭牌上标明。 升。该面包机连接到电源插座上。当面包机已连接到电源中, 嘟嘟将他的胡子和“3:00”,将在很短的时间出现在显示屏上。 2,本机现在已经准备就绪,并自动设置为编程“1”,但节目 还未开始。 _ 对面包机的功能 程序菜单 这是用来选择烘烤程序。每按一次(伴有短促的哔声) 该程序更改。当前的程序显示在LCD显示屏上。本机具有12 程序。参阅节目菜单。 外壳颜色 这是用来选择一个轻型,中型或深色的地壳。 面包大小 这是用来选择一个小的(L,5磅)或u大(2,0lb)设定面包面包食谱。